Aims and Goals
In the Masjid Shakoor Khan, where there used to be an arena, once there was a conversation between Hazrat Maulana Imran Khan Nadwi Azhari and Maulvi Hashmat Ali Sahab after Zuhr prayers. Fortunately, we came to know about this conversation and he quotes late Maulana’s words in his speech:
“If this Darul Uloom is established and Insha’Allah it will be established, then it will do what it agrees with the objectives of its establishment and the real purpose of its establishment is to serve Islam, to strive for its supremacy. So that people adopt the Quran and apply the method that the Holy Prophet (sws) has described in his hadiths and Sunnah in their lives. We will lack resources, we will face financial difficulties, we will have difficulties. People are required to rise above materialism, mean-spiritedness and sedition and corruption and work only for the pleasure of God, to be content with whatever they get, even if they don’t get it, there should be no grievances!”.
The main purpose of our Darul Uloom is to spread the true faith, to teach the true Islamic faith in such a way that the poisonous and mixed concepts of the enemies of Islam can be corrected, and to cultivate people who will be the torchbearers of this light. This work can only be done in a place and in an atmosphere where Islamic teachings are being given, the virtues of Islam are being explained and inculcated in the hearts. We wish to prepare students who are interested to learn thought and belief and become able to face all the challenges inside.
Maulana added: “One of the goals of our Darul Uloom will be to produce a team of students with correct, innovative ideas who have a strong faith in their religion, respect for their history, culture and traditions, and build the present and develop the future.
We have created a religious education program for Muslim children because, in our view, Islam is the only method that discusses deals with all the problems of humanity, offers the right and appropriate solution to them and constantly guides them to the right path. This is the benefit and success of both worlds and religion for the Muslims. Our biggest goal is to create a united body for the promotion and dissemination of Islamic teachings with correct Islamic thought. This group will be the leader of Indian Muslims, this will save them from feeling inferior, if this group of Muslims is born then Indian Muslims will never be disappointed!”.
No further writing was required after this highly effective discourse, but as an explanation, it is intended to reiterate the fact that Darul Uloom Tajul Masajid Bhopal was established in 1949 when the state of Bhopal was merging into the Indian Union and the protection of education and religious affairs had become uncertain. In such a turbulent time, Maulana Muhammad Imran Khan Nadwi, with the help of some of his friends and sympathizers, established Darul Uloom.
In the light of the above discussion, the main objectives of Darul Uloom in the eyes of its pious founders are as follows:
- Preparation of scholars who are experts in religious sciences and are well versed in modern sciences and the requirements of the present times, so that they can find suitable solutions in view of new problems and situations.
- Preparation of such scholars who can perform the duty of leadership of the Muslim Ummah in the changing circumstances.
- To produce such preachers and companions who can guide and lead the Ummah in their language. Who are always able to get a feel of the pulse of the nation to understand the changing circumstances and to defend the attacks made on it by going ahead and (attacking the nation’s psyche, civilisation and their false beliefs and showing them a mirror).
- To spread faith and moral awareness within the Muslim Ummah.
- To establish a wide range of madrasaas, schools and institutions connected with the education system of Darul Uloom Tajul Masajid and the thought of Nadwatul Ulama Movement.
- Develop a curriculum that is updated over time to meet the religious and secular needs of the ummah.
- To complete the construction of still-incomplete Tajul Masajid and to maintain and renovate as required.
- Strive to get the pending land of Tajul Masajid from the government.
- Ensuring the protection and proper management of endowment mosques.
- Making the Darul Uloom Tajul Masajid Waqf fruitful and generating various sources of income for the institution.