Completion to Masjid


In 1901 AD Shahjahan Begum passed away after her death construction work came to stand.

Sultan Jahan Begum was the daughter of Shahjahan Begum enthroned after her construction work could not be started.

Nawab Hameedullah’s era some thought about construction work but it could not be fulfilled. Like wise this great building was unconstructed and changing weather and atmosphere affected on it.

When princely state merged into Indian Union so unconstructed building fate changed.

From very beginning Maulana Muhammad Imran Khan Nadwi Azhari had been thinking of completion of the Tajul Masajid. Maulana had said many times that he was sincere in his intention but success depended on the will of God.

From the establishment of Darul Uloom to the completion of the Tajul masajid campaign

From the time Maulana Imran Khan took over the care and supervision of the Tajul masajid, he kept in view the original plan and due to some circumstances when he could not use the lands and buildings outside the mosque for educational purposes, he continued to build, renovate and modify the arched galleries and corridors of the spacious mosque in such a way that on one hand the beauty of this magnificent Islamic monument would not be affected and on the other hand it would provide all the necessary space for Darul Uloom Tajul masajid. He kept up the good work, and let the attendees have as many facilities as possible for gathering (special for Ijtema).

Works that was completed before actual reconstruction of Tajul Masajid



This pool is of 50×50 square feet and it is surrounded by a solid platform of seven and a half feet wide, the depth of the pool is up to 4 feet, it was completed just before the beginning of third annual gathering in 1951 by the free service of dedicated Muslims and by a sum of few thousands of rupees.

A crystal fountain has been installed in the middle of the cistern which has increased its splendor. Shah Jahan Begum had ordered crystal bricks for this cistern but due to her death and stoppage of work all the equipment was stolen. Therefore, this pool was built of ordinary bricks, and now there is no fountain.

Stone Musallas (place of prayer)

75% of the courtyard had been left uncompleted with deep pits. Despite the efforts to fill them taken up by Nawab Hameedullah Khan, still more than half of the courtyard remained unfinished. After the establishment of Darul Uloom, the pits were filled and covered with red sandstone. Further work was done for its closure and half the yard was ready before the completion campaign.

Formation of Rooms

The long courtyard of the mosque was surrounded by a 12 feet wide arched gallery on the north and east, while the gallery in the south was incomplete. All the constructed galleries were converted into rooms. 85 large and 116 windows have been installed and 100 skylights and 41 name plates have been fixed and since then these rooms are being used for various works of Darul Uloom such as, guest house, Darul Uloom Office, Dining hall and boarding rooms, where around 220 boys can stay, as well as store rooms.

Completion of flooring

The floors of the spacious hall of the mosque, the east hallway and the northwest hallway were not complete. Some portions of the floor were incomplete and in some places, the floor was not erected at all. Initiatives were taken to complete the hall spanning an area of length 200 feet and width of 12 feet.


There were only three steps in front of the three gates for access to the mosque, but now permanent stairs have been set up in front of all the gates of the mosque. Also for the women, stairs have been constructed in the north and south of the mosque for entrance into the courtyard and mosque.

Bathrooms and Washrooms

Five washrooms and bathrooms were constructed for the women’s mosque adjoining the mosque on the south side and four bathrooms and five washrooms were constructed on the same side of the mosque for external use i.e. dormitory etc.


Since there is a dormitory in Darul Uloom and a large number of students, there was a need to have a kitchen for their meals and breakfast. Hence two kitchens were built outside the mosque on the south side.

Minarets of the Mosque

The incomplete minarets of this unfinished mosque were also high and low. In this connection, the northern minaret was raised about 40 feet, parallel to the southern minaret. The diameter of the minarets is 25 feet.

Roofs of the mosque

The construction of the mosque was halted in 1901. This unfinished mosque was left on its own and faced the brunt of heavy rains, sunlight and wind. How severely they damaged the mosque walls, roofs and minarets are unexplainable and how the water seeped into the walls and doors is understandable. However, works have been done to some extent to maintain the roof of the mosque, its rooms and hallways. Roofs were laid at some places while at other places; plastering was done on the roofs.

Mosque courtyard

The courtyard of the mosque was uneven, unlevelled and unusable. To make the courtyard even surfaced, hundreds of trucks of debris were used to fill in and many pious devotees participated in this mammoth task.

Electric Lighting

Electrical fitting in this vast mosque was not an easy task but by the grace of God that work was done to a large extent in the inner area of the mosque, courtyard of the mosque, newly constructed rooms (including store, office, dining hall, residences, libraries, etc.). The women’s mosque was completed in phases. Hence the total power line required for the whole mosque is 3000 feet.

Water management

Earlier, water was available for Taj-ul-Masjid from the Hamidia school line. But it was not sufficient enough for the needs of the mosque. Now, by the grace of God, a wider line has been connected to the main line without the participation of others and water is provided to a large extent as per the requirement. In this regard, pipes of different sizes have been used for supplying water in all parts of the mosque.

All of these works were completed by 1960 AD. Some other important works completed before 1971 AD, the year after which the construction work started properly were:

– The floor of a long corridor of the women’s mosque on the north side was completed.

– A marble staircase was built in front of the central altar.

– Strong staircases were erected in front of the remaining arches.

– In the courtyard of the mosque, iron pillars were erected for temporary shade and iron nets were drawn so that sackcloth etc. could be placed on them during the gathering.


Beginning of new efforts for construction

Maulana’s longing and desire to complete the Taj-ul-Masjid used to linger in his heart from the very first day, so whenever the opportunity arose, something was being built, as has just been stated in the previous lines.

Proposed construction of North Corridor

In the meeting of the Executive Council on December 10 in 1966 AD, a proposal was made by the Director of Darul Uloom for the construction of the North Hall of the Tajul masajid. A committee consisting of the members of the Executive Council was approved to consider all matters and formulate appropriate proposals. It was decided that the committee should start working trusting on the help of God after considering all aspects of the matter and in consultation with the architects as required, as well as obtaining building permission and making appropriate arrangements for the provision of funds. It has been decided that at present this committee should start its work with the amount set aside by a well-wisher for this purpose. Appropriate measures should be taken for the remaining expenses and the committee should keep on presenting its performance report in the Executive Council. The members of the committee were as follows: “Maulana Muhammad Imran Khan Sahab, Maulana Syed Hashmat Ali Sahab, Abdul Hameed Khan Sahab Overseer, Maulana Syed Manzoor Hussain Sahab Soroush, Mr. Abdul Rauf Khan Sahab, Mr. Iftikhar Sahab”.

It was discussed about north Corridor. The deterioration of the roof and its constant dilapidation was a cause of great worry and anxiety. Experts, especially Abdul Hameed Sahab Overseer, who was also a member of the Executive council and an architect, was extremely concerned regarding the condition of the roof.

The late Maulana says, “In the beginning of October 1967 AD, when Hazrat Sahab addressed me for the first time, he said, Maulvi Sahab! Why don’t you pay attention to the Taj-ul-masajid? So I asked, “What can I do?” Who would dare to do what the rulers of the state could not do these days? He said, “Only men of courage do these things. If you dare you can do. So, why do you lose courage”?

The same thing was written by the late Maulana in the Executive council on August 12 in 1969 AD:

The construction and completion of Tajul Masajid was undoubtedly our goal, but due to our poor condition, we were aspiring as well as longing, but something happened that after years of silence, Hazrat Shah Mohammad Yaqub Sahab Mujaddidi Al-Aali said without any context that O Maulvi Sahab! How long will these mosques remain lying like this? Why not build it? I was caught in confusion, the concern was how to avoid Hazrat Sahab’s gesture? And on the other hand, how to head this campaign.

The late Maulana added: “The thought of Tajul Masajid was always with me people did not donate in the name of building a mosque. However, people used to donate for Darul Uloom because Darul Uloom had been running for 20 years. Darul Uloom was running smoothly on this donation of the people but if I asked for donations for the Tajul masajid, people would say Maulvi Sahab! All the works of the world can be done but task of the mosque cannot be done, so what is the use of donating for the construction of what cannot be done? What use will two or four, five thousand of rupees be of use to the mosque? It requires millions of Rupees.

When the late Maulana told this to Mr. Inamullah Makki, a resident of Bhopal, living in Canada, while appealing for donations, at first he could not believe it. He said that it was impossible but assurance was given to him that the work had already being done for the mosque and it needed donations.

All this situation was also reported to Hazrat Sahab. He listened to all the things with great attention and said that you should leave Bhopal and India, then you should go out somewhere and bring one lakh two lakh donations in the beginning. The people of Bhopal are very disappointed. Then you will look that how Allah Almighty opens his treasures. He said that I asked Hazrat Sahab that for many days the idea had been coming to my mind that I should go abroad. There are also people who knew me.

Construction Plan of Tajul Masajid

When it was decided that the campaign for the completion of the mosque should be started, a detailed plan was made and from the point of view of construction and completion, the most important and priority tasks were selected which were as follows, along with their estimated expenditure-

1 Removal of old plaster from all the roofs (which is completely useless) and put off the whole plaster of lime or ballast. 2 lakhs
2 The domes of the mosque should be completed so that the mosque can be protected from rain water with a necessary completion. 20 lakhs
3 In the upper part, the poor quality plaster done by the dishonest contractors should be replaced. 3 lakhs
4 Most of the north corridor (22 doorways) is incomplete. It should be rebuilt. 3 lakhs
5 The main grand entrance of the mosque in the east, which has been incomplete for 70 years, should be completed. 9 lakhs
6 A pit that is about 100 feet long, 40 feet wide and 15 feet deep should be made into a basement. 50 thousand
7 Along with the completion of the internal construction, the drainage system of the vast mosque should also be properly laid. 50 thousand
8 The courtyard of the mosque should be covered with red sandstone so that the whole courtyard is levelled for prayers. 1 lakhs
9 The minarets of the mosque should be completed to stop rain water from seeping in. 30 lakhs
10 Staircases in the northern corridor have to be built 5 lakhs
11 Miscellaneous 1 lakhs
  TOTAL 75 lakhs