Brothers in faith |
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته |
Darul-Uloom-Tajul-Masajid is one of the greatest Islamic Institutions in central India. Besides rendering high quality education of Hifz (Learning the Holy Quran by heart), Maktab (primary education) & Aalimiat (Graduation in Islamic Theology), it has been offering its services since 1948 in the field of preaching and social works. It is an esteemed branch of world known Islamic Institution Nadwatul-Ulama Lucknow. It was founded by Molana Muhammad Imran Khan Nadwi Azhari, with the help of Allama Syed Sulaiman Nadwi, then Qazi-e-Shahar of Bhopal State, and Hazrat Molana Shah Yaqoob Sahab Mujaddidi عليهم الرحمة.
Darul-Uloom-Tajul-Masajid follows the prospects and syllabus adopted by Nadwatul-Ulama along with some modern science subjects. Its scholars are found all over the world and known for their sincere and devoted services in different educational fields. It also provides financial help to its 40 affiliated Madrasas in the city and around the city in villages and towns.
Along with educational activities, Darul-Uloom-Tajul-Masajid has three more principal objectives:
- Training in Manners and Grammar and developing lively sense of decency and Islamic Intellectual supremacy.
- Preaching and propagating Islamic teachings in remote areas of the country.
- Completing the uncomplete building of the grand and the largest mosque in India “Tajul-Masajid”.
As it is a fact that mostly the Madrasas are run by the public donations given in the form of Zakat, Sadaqat, Khairat and Atiyyaat. Our work, being one of multiple dimensions and aspects, it needs huge financial support. Our constructional and educational system depend largely on our well-wisher’s, generous support.
So, you are cordially requested to kindly give or transfer your charity and donation amount through Cheque/Draft or Online Transfer in the following accounts of Darul-Uloom-Tajul-Masajid. Your financial assistance and contribution are highly valuable for our Institution. May Allah help us and accept our humble effort in the way of knowledge and Deen and bestow upon us His best favours here and hereafter.
Beneficiary | Bank | Branch | Account Number | IFSC Code | Purpose |
DARUL ULOOM TAJUL MASAJID,BPL | Indian Bank | Bhopal Royal Market | 20602765220 | IDIB000R659 | Zakaat & Sadqa |
WAQF TAJUL MASAJID | Indian Bank | TTTI Bhopal | 50508631143 | IDIB000T610 | Donation |