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History of Madrassas and usefulness

Since the inception of the world, Allah S.W.T created means to sustain Islam and Knowledge. And to ensure knowledge and all benefit from his deen prevail, He spread scholars and intellectuals in all parts of the world. They propagated the message of their Rabb and will continue to do so till the last day arrives.
Masjids were built in all the areas of Arabia and its peripheries where Islam reached, religious schools were established, and the teaching of Qur’an and Hadith was continued. In India too, after the arrival of Muhammad bin Qasim (93 AH), the process of building masjids and establishing religious schools had begun. Then from the arrival of Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi (in​​ 1025 AD) to the end of the Mughal emperors (in 1856 AD), and in the British era (which lasted till 1366 AH) and after the independence of India, however, the construction of masjids and religious schools continued in one form or another. This was possible through Islamic governments and states, through personal efforts of religious scholars and religious leaders, and through individual and collective efforts of ordinary Muslims.
“It is He Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all other religions, no matter how much it may be displeasing to the polytheists ” (Translation: Verse 3, Surah As-Saff). And the Prophet ﷺ said: “There will always be a group in my Ummah who will abide by the command of Allah Almighty, and whoever abandons their help and opposes them will not be able to harm them until the command of Allah Almighty comes” (With reference to Bukhari and Muslim).

In the state of Bhopal too, from the beginning of the establishment of the state in 1725 AD to the amalgamation of states into central governance in 1949 AD, most of the construction, management, arrangement of mosques and religious affairs were done by the privy purses of Bhopal state. But after the state-system came to an end, the responsibility of Islamic and religious education fell on Muslims. When this situation arose, the religious scholars and the sympathizers of the nation paid special attention to ensure that learning of Islamic knowledge continues. With the advice, cooperation and support of the religious scholars and elders, under the administration of Maulana Muhammad Imran Khan, Darul Uloom was established in the Tajul masajid in July 1950 (Shawwal 1396 AH). 

The madarsas are the places where the teaching of Qur’an and Hadith are taught. From these madarsas, the light of the Quran and Sunnah continues to spread and the Muslim Ummah is protected from error. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Rasulullah (from Malik ibn Anas, Mishkat). (I have left two things between you. As long as you hold fast to them, you will never go astray. That is the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger) (Mishkat narrated by Imam Malik).

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