Darul-Uloom-Tajul-Masajid is one of the greatest Islamic Institutions in central India. Besides rendering high quality education of Hifz (Learning the Holy Quran by heart), Maktab (primary education) Sanviyah (Secondary) & AAalimiat (Higher Secondary (Graduation) in Islamic Theology), it has been offering its services since 1949 AD in the field of preaching and social works. It is an esteemed branch of world known Islamic Institution Nadwatul-Ulama Lucknow. It was founded by Molana Muhammad Imran Khan Nadwi Azhari, with the help of Allama Syed Sulaiman Nadwi, then Qazi-e-Shahar of Bhopal State, and Hazrat Molana Shah Yaqoob Sahab Mujaddidi عليهم الرحمة.
Darul-Uloom-Tajul-Masajid follows the prospects and syllabus adopted by Nadwatul-Ulama along with some modern science subjects. Its scholars are found all over the world and known for their sincere and devoted services in different educational fields. It also provides financial help to its 40 affiliated Madrasas in the city and around the city in villages and towns.
Along with educational activities, Darul-Uloom-Tajul-Masajid has three more principal objectives:
- Training in Manners and Grammar and developing lively sense of decency and Islamic Intellectual supremacy.
- Preaching and propagating Islamic teachings in remote areas of the country.
- Completing the uncomplete building of the grand and the largest mosque in India “Tajul-Masajid”.
The syllabus of Darul Uloom Tajul masajid is in accordance with the syllabus of Nadwatul Ulama Lucknow, which includes the necessary subjects of modern education- Hindi, English, Mathematics, Science, Geography and History along with the complete religious studies.
The education system of Darul UloomTajul Masajid consists of Four basic disciplines: Tajweed and Hifz-e-Quran (Learning the Quran by heart); Maktab (Primary); Sanviyah (Secondary); and Aalimiyat (Higher education of Religion Islam). A large number of students get education in these institutions which are supervised academically as well as financially by Shoora (Executive Counsil). The certificate of (Aalimiat) degree has been declared by the Aligarh Muslim University as equivalent to “B.A.”.
No tuition fee is charged from the students studying in Darul Uloom and full scholarship is given to the needy students for lodging and dining. Darul Uloom also releases monthly scholarships to all the students of higher grades accordingly.
The Tajul masajid also has a close and long connection to the work of dawah and preaching. From the years 1948 AD to 2002 AD, a continuous Tablighi Ijtema has been holding in Bhopal on a global scale every year and all the staff of Darul Uloom used to be busy in its arrangements at the time of Ijtema when it was held in Tajul Masajid.
Executive Council is responsible for all the administrative and educational affairs of the Darul Uloom. The Executive Council consists of elected members from all over India. A large number of them are Ulama and the rest of the members are from the important, talented and compassionate people of the community. The election of members takes place once in every five years, Ameer (Director) of Darul Uloom is responsible for the performance of all matters on behalf of the Executive Council.